New album Melody Cycle.

Hot Puma Records (Belgium)
Melody Cycle. Reviews.
"...brimming over with pure joy... delightful melodies, complex orchestration and thoughtful songwriting." (5 stars)
Greg Healey, Shindig! Magazine (UK).

"...decidely contemporary in scope and ambition." (4 stars)
Jon "Mojo" Mills, Record Collector (UK).

"...un petit chef d’œuvre de pop orchestrale, teinté de psychédélisme douillet et de chamber pop cristalline... Cet album sent bon la cannelle et le sucre roux, il bruisse comme une volière de petites mésanges printanières, il calme les angoisses et soigne les rhumatismes... Tout innocent, tout joyeux et rêveur, "Melody cycle" est l’antidote idéal à la morosité de fin d’hiver. Avec lui, le printemps approche à grands pas."
François Becquart, Music in Belgium (Begium).

"As we get into the heart of the record, we really get to examine the genius in Lonchamp’s arrangements with tracks like Talking Loud sounding like something off Sgt Pepper’s."
Jamie McDonald, 7aheadmusic (UK).

"...des morceaux pop sunshine et sixties, très soignés et stylés... un album précieux, parfait."
Piggledy Pop (France).

"... a sweeping complicated symphonic eccentricity"
Charlie Elland, FolkWords (UK).

"Weird but clever... quite unlike anything else you’ve ever heard."
Dai Jeffries, Folking (UK).
"Dansez comme jamais, endiablés de pop!"
Branchés Culture (Belgium).
Dinner at the Andersons' EP2 (2015).
Second EP extract from our forthcoming album Melody Cycle
Saharian Sands EP1 (2014).
First EP extract from our forthcoming album Melody Cycle
Saharian Sands EP. Reviews.
"Majestic orchestral chamber pop" (The Skinny, Scotland)
"Three mouth-watering sunshine pop tracks... recalling the Beach Boys" (Piggledy Pop, France)

Peter Dorrington, Rave Child -